Juice This Not That

Juice This Not That

All the rave these days in nutrition and health is “juicing”. But, what is juicing and is it really better for us than the “real deal” of fresh fruit and vegetables? As a parent and a nutritional scientist and consultant, this is really important stuff for me to know...
Lunch is Served

Lunch is Served

One of my favorite activities as a nutrition and wellness consultant is visiting elementary, middle, and high school lunch programs to get kids excited about eating healthy (Visiting Schools ; Visiting Schools 2). During these visits, we show kids of all ages how easy...
On Your Mark Get Set Go

On Your Mark Get Set Go

Yes, you read that correctly. When it comes to your health – always ‘GO’ before you ‘Get Set’ because your health cannot wait. Many of us wait too long to ‘start’ a healthy lifestyle regimen until everything is perfect in our lives, which means it usually never...

The Thanksgiving Myth

It’s hard to believe the holiday season is already upon us. This means celebrating good times with family, friends, and co-workers with lots of food, drink, and relaxation. Many of us love this joyous time of year… but for others it can be stressful and trigger...

The Before and After

Anyone starting a new exercise program wants all the hard work and sweat to pay-off in some way. Some of the more common pay-offs include body weight and fat loss, toned muscles, increased energy, better mood, and improved athletic performance. However, statistics...

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