
Dr Paul’s Testimonials

Testimonials from Clients and Study Participants
Summer 2010
I want to thank Dr. Paul and his team of trainers for leading me through Dr. Paul’s PRISE Protocol, an amazing 16 week journey.
When I started my 16 week lifestyle change I was living a life of sloth. Except for a 40-45 minute walk with my dog, I didn’t do any physical activity. Worse, I routinely ate raw chocolate chip cookie batter for dinner. Typically I ate 2-3 times the recommended serving size at any given meal. I drank 4-5 Diet Cokes daily starting first thing in the morning. I am 48 years old, 5’6” and weighed 210 lbs. I was also suffering from depression.
When I started I could barely get out of bed, mostly because I rarely slept through the night. Perhaps I couldn’t sleep well because I had to sleep on my back, my hip hurt so badly with arthritis onset. When I got out of bed, I had to hook my leg over the side of the bed to hoist myself upright. I got dressed and all my (size 18!) clothes were too tight. I could not touch my toes and was so stiff all over, anytime I got up from a sitting position, I would limp for several steps before walking normally. My balance was so bad that earlier in the year I had fallen off a ladder changing a light bulb in the garage. I found myself thinking (a lot) about how to get out of, or avoid, anything that involved physical activity.
Dr. Paul’s PRISE Protocol literally came to my rescue. I won’t say it was easy. But it was doable and after a time, enjoyable. My first victory was getting up for 6 a.m. workouts—repeatedly. So, no matter how hard the workout, no matter how winded or slow I was, I had accomplished something each day, first thing. That went a long way toward helping the depression (which is now at bay). The workouts began slowly and carefully working on form with Dr. Paul explaining and showing us what to do. He offered modified versions for anyone with special issues. I say there’s Dr. Paul’s version, then there’s the modified version. The biggest lesson I learned is that no matter what your fitness level, whatever you can do will help, and you WILL improve. I did.
After 16 weeks, I keep noticing victories in my everyday life. My clothes are loose and while size 16 clothes are still too tight, I can get into them. I don’t have to sit down to put on my shoes; I can do it standing up balancing on one leg. I can now sit Indian style on the floor with my daughter to play. I sleep through the night—on my side—most nights. I can sit straight up in bed. I can turn and look over my shoulder when I back up the car, instead of looking in the side mirrors. When I walk the dog now, it only takes 30-35 minutes for the same distance. The other day I took a misstep and turned my ankle. There was no swelling, no pain, and just a little tenderness for only a few days. I don’t get tired until the very end of the day and after I’ve accomplished a lot more than I used to!
I am now eating healthy food and normal portions. I eat, literally, half the amount that I used to. My sweet tooth has almost disappeared and when I have a Diet Coke, it’s now caffeine free and only 4-5 PER WEEK, not per day. I leave food on my plate. I walk away from dessert. My eating is in control, probably for the first time in my life. I feel lighter and liberated.
I am optimistic, looking younger, and feeling great.
I am further grateful to have met so many wonderful researchers, had the opportunity to work with the great Dr.A-YOU, and blessed with the best co-participants.
I arrived to Skidmore College as a new employee on January 3, 2011. I left a very stressful job as a computer programmer at Middlebury College. I was working up to 10 hours a day. I was doing very unhealthy things and abusing my body. I remember going to the store to buy energy drinks to keep me going, I was drinking up to 3 or more cups of coffee a day.
When I arrived to Skidmore, I decide that my life needed it to change, if not, I was in my way to a heart attack, not only that my cholesterol was very high, it is also a history of heart attacks in the family. I was very excited when I saw Dr Paul’s email inviting employees and members of the community to join an exercise group. I knew that a big part of my new decision to change my life was exercise. I growth up playing sports and I knew the effects of exercise to the brain, it just that I was just not doing any kind of exercise in a regular basis, and I was using my busy work as an excuse.
I was also a little be skeptical when I left the first meeting, I remember thinking, If I am going to do this I will have to wake up at 5 AM in the middle of the winter, this is going to be a joke, well, the students prove me wrong, I was amaze by their dedication to the program, we had a bad winter lots of snow and these ‘kids’ were always there, they show professionalism, ethics and lots of respect for all the participants in the program. I am going to miss the sound of c’mon keep going you are almost there…” I wish all of them luck in their professional life and I hope that they stay in the health business. We need people like them in society, the food industry is killing us, it is so easy to get fat in this country, so we need people to educate us about the effects of physical exercise and good nutrition, so thank you SO much…I have been so impressed with the students and his leader (Dr Paul) that now I found myself trying to convince my daughter ( I am attaching a pic, to share with you, I am so proud!) to go to Graduate School and study Exercise Science, she just finished kinesiology at UMASS Amherst, she is also a good swimmer…I told to her about Dr Paul and his PRISE program many many times…
I have been divorce for almost 6 years now, so I have been living by myself, so I never had any desire to go to the supermarket, I used to hate supermarkets. I was always eating out, not only that it was costing me lots of money, I was also eating unhealthy. Now, I enjoy going to the supermarket, I walk around looking for my vegetables, fish (no more red meat) and fruits. I found myself buying books on health and nutrition. I feel more productive at work, I feel in good shape, I just rode my bike this morning 26.5 miles, I put 53 miles this weekend, it feels great, I go to my closet and found my old pants try it and they fit now, great, I am saving money…Yes this have been the best thing since I arrived to Skidmore, I took a pay cut to come here, but me health is priceless.
One thing I want to recommend to the program is that it will be beneficial if the program get together with one of the other program Skidmore offer, I don’t remember the name, but I saw the presentation during the academic day, they brought a chef to teach the participants how to prepare the vegetables. I think that if you do the same one or two times during the 16 weeks will be beneficial. I found myself calling friends or even my mother in South America to ask her how to prepare something, it can be just me who is a bad cook..It just a suggestion…
Again, Thank you SO much!! One thing I know is that exercise and healthy eating is back in my life, not more excuses, it feels good!
I don’t eat because I am hungry I eat because I love food. My boss where I work wanted all of his people to take part in Dr Paul’s PRISE program because we were all over weight and people in the office were having heart attacks and strokes.
I came to live with the fact I was going to have a heart attack and my cardiologist told me “it’s not if you’re going to have a heart attack, it’s when”. My cholesterol was in the 400s and they could not control it even with meds. My doctor told me I was a candidate for the gastric band stomach operation I was thing about getting it. So Dr Paul came to our training and presents his PRISE program. I was still not sure I wanted to do it, but I went to the meeting and got the forms and signed up.
Then it started, I was put into the PRISE group, no big deal to me and I like the Protein Pacing and six small meals a day. I love it I am eating six time a day and I never hungry and I still eat cookies and chocolate occasionally. I don’t feel deprived.
Now for the excise I hate to excise! I use to exercise all the time. But in 1994 I walk away from it and I don’t miss it. But 4 times a week I followed the PRISE exercise and Dr Paul’s protocol. I even did yoga and let me tell you yoga is no joke It’s not my favorite exercise but it works. The 4 days a week of exercise was no big deal after I got in to it. It was hard and made me sweat and worst part was getting up early to go, but once I was there it was fun and that hour went by so fast. I hate to exercise but I see what it has done for me and I will keep it going. I do not know what the magic is about this program but I lost a ton of weight in my stomach! I never lost weight in my stomach! I try many other diets and lost weight but never in my stomach and once I stop those diets I put on twice as much as I lost. The best part is I don’t think this is a diet because I see the results and its not hard to do. The neat thing is I don’t want for food or am not hungry
but what Dr Paul has taught me is this is not a diet this is a way of life you eat you six small meals and you eat good food, not junk food, fast food, and don’t eat 4 pizzas at a time, 5lb of m&ms and 6 whoppers
Here are the facts of what happened to me on Dr. Pauls PRISE Protocol:
I start the program and weighed 358lbs and now I weigh 287 lbs and still losing
I went from 54 pants to 46 pants and still losing but I can buy off the shelf not at the big and tall
cholesterol went from 400 to 144!! With no meds and I don’t need to go to the doctor but once a year instead of every six months
My wife says I sleep better and don’t snore any more
I can do activities with my family not feel big and fat and out of place and not be tired
The truth is I feel good and I feel good about myself and don’t have to worry so much about sitting in a chair and the chair breaking
I know this to be true if I did not do this program I would weigh well over 400 lbs.
So in closing when I say I owe Dr Paul and his student s my life. I mean it!! The PRISE protocol program has changed me, it made me happier and most of all healthier!
Ps. I will never be able to thank you enough thank you again
and my wife still wants to meet you.
I want to tell you even though the training ended in August, there were 4 or 5 of us that continued the RISE training out on the Track at 6 am up until January of this year.
Greg, Brian, Katie, Debbie, myself and sometimes Dorothy were there religiously up until there was simply too much snow to get on the ground and do pushups and sit ups. We were out there when it was 6 degrees above 0. In the last month of this activity, it because very interesting because we started when it was completely dark out and the stars were in the sky until the end of the hour when the sun was just coming up over the horizon.
Actually, I have continued since that time indoors and I’m now looking forward to doing it as part of my exercise training every week again outdoors.
I knew I had to do something because I felt like crap. I was winded going up and down stairs around campus, and my legs got tired walking any kind of distance. I signed up for Dr. A’s PRISE research program not knowing exactly what I was getting into, but it was a step in the right direction. I got clearance from my physician and the rest is history. I lost approximately 29 lbs by the end of the program. The four types of exercises were not too difficult. I enjoyed every workout and it wasn’t as if it was a chore, I started looking forward to the next workout. The student trainers were fantastic and would help in any way they could and were also very encouraging. They pushed you to your limit. I didn’t want it to end because I was starting to see amazing results I went from a 41 waist to a 38, my blood pressure was excellent and I actually started to see my cholesterol fall.
When given the opportunity to do it again for another 16 weeks jumped at the chance. I feel at this point it was the best decision I’ve made in my life, for my life. The 2nd 16 week program I feel was a little more intense. As the program went on the exercises were intensified. More difficult exercises were added from week to week and rest times were decreased. I welcomed the challenge and that’s what it became a challenge. As the weeks went by I noticed my arms/legs/stomach becoming more defined. I noticed I had a ton of energy that I didn’t have before. I started walking more around campus and not riding in a vehicle. I no longer had issues with stairs. I got used to Protein Pacing and eating smaller meals and was not feeling hungry at all. By the end of the 16 weeks I was down another 23lbs and now in a size 36 pant.
In all I lost a total of 52 lbs and went from 41 pants to a 36. I’m leaner, stronger and faster than I was 10 months ago and I owe it all to Dr. A and his PRISE Protocol! He has inspired me to change my life style and live a more healthy life. I believe I now have the tools to accomplish this. I will be forever grateful to him and his fine group of students that pushed us and helped me achieve a goal that I thought I would never reach.
I now weight 210 lbs, the same weight I was in high school. I feel like I’m in better shape now than when I was in high school. I definitely don’t feel as if I’m 50 years old. I feel 30 years younger.
To Dr. A. I thank you, my family thanks you and I wish all the students the best of luck in their future endeavors. I will be forever grateful.
My experience with Dr. Paul’s Protocol – 16 weeks – Tim Clemme
When I heard about the opportunity to be a part of this PRISE program, I was very excited, as I knew that I needed to do something to get myself out of the “physical funk” that I was in, so I attended the informational meeting. Dr. Paul has a great way of getting you psyched for his passion – which is physical and mental well-being. I knew that this would be a commitment, but submitted all the paperwork, and hoped I would get picked for the study. Turns out my doctor would not sign off on the study for me as I had not had a physical in more than a year, so I scrambled to get that done and he squeezed me in – then signed off. And then came the great news: I was chosen for the study!
I remember coming to the initial testing on an early morning back in January. Still dark and cold outside, lots of snow. Hard to imagine what things would be like 16 weeks from then when spring would be in full swing and I would (hopefully) be feeling much better physically. The team was great – as they would be for the next 16 weeks – I had to travel later that day, so they squeezed everything in that morning. All my baseline testing and the physical tests. Boy was I out of shape…
The anticipation of the first week of exercise was filled with both anxiety and excitement. Not easy that first time on the treadmill, but pushed through and it felt good to be moving again. Yoga was a different story. I cursed my way through the entire hour and stated to many people afterwards, “I can’t wait until this 16 weeks is over so I never have to do yoga again!” I remember Dr. Paul saying “Yoga is the one thing that you will be likely to stick with when this 16 weeks is up.” I thought “yeah, right!!”
Resistance training was an adventure of a different kind. Just plain tough. Pain, out of breath – I didn’t think I would ever be able to get through a session of that without keeling over. Forget about some of the abdominal exercises they were asking us to do! Not happening.
Eating adjustments with Protein Pacing were another story. Not terribly difficult, but in those long weekend days inside, breaking some of my usual habits of reaching for a bag of chips or some cookies simply out of boredom took some adjustment. The exercise was a great motivator, though. I wanted to be able to get through it and perform better, so it made junk food less desirable.
A funny thing started to happen…
Maybe 3-4 weeks in, I started to sense a change. A desire to exercise. LOVED the hour-long exercise, as it was great just to clear my head of a week’s worth of stress. Snow-shoed every Saturday by myself and it was amazing. Started to feel my clothes fitting a little better, as well. And this eating thing was not bad at all! If I couldn’t make an exercise session, I was adamant about finding the time to make it up – and not to do the minimum, but to start to push myself. Energy levels were going up, sleep was better. Although I have to admit, still was not a big fan of the yoga…particularly getting up when it was dark outside in the single digit temps!
I think the very best part after a few weeks was that the “winter blues” started to fade – at a time when they would normally be getting worse. “Big things” didn’t seem so big anymore – they seemed manageable. Just a sense that everything would work out for the best. This was a huge motivator to keep working at this.
The halfway point
Nervous about my midpoint test results. I knew I had made progress, but didn’t know how much. Was amazed when the results came in. Cholesterol way down, weight loss, and definite improvements in the physical testing. This was exciting, things were working! And what at first seemed like hard work and daunting week-to-week, now was just a part of my routine – like brushing teeth, showering. You just do sprint interval training on Monday – why wouldn’t you??? Yoga on Tuesday, no problem (well, maybe not “no problem”, but I was ready to try!) Psyched for functional training – it was like gym class back in school! And the hour long (now pushing to 90 mins) on Saturday was a necessity for my personal mental well-being.
The team was amazing – always there for me, always encouraging. And they were as psyched as I was about the results. This made me want to push harder. My mood was amazing, even though we were in what seemed to be an endless winter. Great stuff – let’s do another 8 weeks!
People in the office noticing a difference in me –very exciting.
The last 8 weeks – big changes.
The last 8 weeks seriously went by faster than the first 2. I think because I didn’t want it to end, and the results were just incredible. Clothes falling off me. Moving from the last notch on my belt to the first – and then to a smaller belt size. Experiencing dizziness because my blood pressure medication was too strong now and needed to be cut in half – and likely soon would need to be eliminated completely. Yoga was an amazing, enjoyable experience! I could feel muscles in my body that had seemed dormant for years. My wife would hug me and say “where is the rest of you???” Everyone noticing the difference – people I saw a year ago in my travels for the College saying “wow, you look great – what have you been doing?” Telling everyone that would listen about my experience and that really just relatively small changes had transformed my life. Bragging about Dr. Paul and the students in the exercise science department – that here at Skidmore we have dedicated faculty and incredible research going on, cutting edge stuff! Results of 20+ lbs lost, all fat! Doing yard work, playing sports recreationally with ease – things that were just not possible a year ago. A spring where I am coming out of winter actually feeling BETTER than when I went into it rather than fat, pasty and lethargic. I am psyched for summer!
Thank you Dr, Paul and all of the A Team for quite literally changing my life. Seriously, I hit the “physical well-being lottery”! This was one of the most important educations of my life and I will use what I have learned as long as I live. And live healthier, happier, with more energy…
Ok, Ok, I admit it – I miss you all BUT very happy to report we’ve keep up with all PRISE nutrition and exercise bouts thus far! We’re transitioning our FM to the exercise room! Got rid of most of the furniture so far, the pool table will be gone tomorrow. We do yoga there now, I’m using the new bike for the Interval and Endurance bouts and we also do the Resistance training there as well!! So far, we’re also keeping up the healthy nutritional Protein Pacing component! We’re committed to make this a life style!
We find by doing it all here at home, it saves us a lot of time and time is our most precious commodity! The key is – WE WANT TO DO THIS AND WE ARE COMMITTED! Good luck to all and DON’T GIVE UP!
I just completed Dr. Paul’s PRISE nutrition and exercise program and I want to tell you my story. I’m 55 years old, in decent physical, and excellent mental health with an open mind to improve my life. My wife encouraged us to attend a seminar Dr. Paul hosted to talk about his interest in finding participants for this study. As a 33 year veteran in sales and marketing, I’ve developed an excellent sense of character and personality when I hear a person talk. After listening to Dr. Paul, it was clear he knew what he was talking about. Not only was his expertise in the subject of nutritional and physical health obvious but the passion he had for his work was undeniable. He spoke from a perspective that only a well studied, knowledgeable, and technically correct scientist could do. I decided on the spot I wanted to be a participant. My wife and I applied and were chosen. To succeed in this program, I needed to:
- Believe in his program.
- Understand the diet and exercise components.
- Be committed to and apply the healthy lifestyle strategies to my everyday routine.
I followed the diet with a focus on detail and perhaps more importantly, a personal commitment to doing it correctly. I began by getting organized with recording my goals, creating / maintaining exercise records, and scheduling my 6 meals a day. I committed myself to his concept of Protein Pacing at every meal and was pleased to discover I didn’t go hungry. Every time I exercised, I worked hard and pushed myself to my own personal limit at every bout. To benefit from the exercise metabolically, it’s essential to understand and correctly achieve the exercise intensity levels recommended. The PRISE program was amazing. After only four weeks I felt stronger and more flexible than I had been in years. As I progressed through the protocol, I didn’t hesitate to have the team be sure I was doing all exercises correctly. I took criticism seriously and make the corrections as recommended. It’s like anything else in life, if we don’t do things correct, we can’t expect optimal results. As an example, while doing the sprint bout, if by the second or third sprint you’re not sweating and almost gasping for air at the end of the sprint, you’re just not working hard enough. I found myself looking forward to studying Dr. Paul’s PRISE weekly healthy lifestyle strategy. I took notes and developed a system to summarize each strategy in a ‘cryptic’ way on my black berry so I always had the information with me. During down time throughout my day, I retrieved this information for review until it became routine for me. I printed all attachments and put them into a 3 ring binder at home. This binder has been (and still is) placed ‘up front and center’ in our home. It goes with us to the grocery store so we purchase the right foods. When I travel for work or personally, I can make smart choices in restaurants to maintain my commitment to the nutritional component for optimal health. When Dr. Paul tells us that proper nutrition trumps exercise – BELIVE HIM – because it’s true. Here’s the results of my 16 week experience:
99% of the weight I lost was in pure body fat while increasing my lean muscle mass. My waist to hip ration went from 1.01 to 0.93! My TC to HDL (TC = total cholesterol) ratio went from 5.0 to 3.7!
I appreciate! I am new at the College (3 months) and I have been telling my friends that the best thing is you and your protocol; it is like having an extra benefit!!
Thank you!!
When over a hundred people turned up at the information session, I was really upset that there were only going to be 30 chosen. And, somehow, I was one of the lucky 30. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
I have tried to adhere to the program. I wanted to be consistent about showing up, in snow, rain, cold, blizzards, at dawn!! And, mostly I did…I was sick a bit, and had to be away for a few days one week, but I worked out on my own when I couldn’t come in.
I enjoyed the camaraderie of the class, and became friends with many of the other participants. Some of whom I will continue walking, exercising and hanging out with.
You, of course, are the best. How you could do that strenuous yoga twice a morning at 6 AM and 7 AM is beyond me. You were always positive, pleasant, pleasingly instructive, and informative at all times. Skidmore certainly can pick the cream of the crop and they certainly have.
I have lost 15 lbs., my cholesterol has gone down at least 75 points, I am stronger, happier, healthier, and well on my way (“whey”) to reclaiming myself. I am going to continue the protocol this summer to get down to my goal weight, and fitness. And, then, will continue on to stay healthy.
Please continue this PRISE Program, remember you don’t have anything if you don’t have your health!!
And, while not touted as a weight-loss program, I did lose over 10 pounds of body fat (yay!). The weight did not fall off; it came off slowly and gradually, without any feeling of deprivation. This was not some quick, gimmicky loss. I get a sense that my body has changed and gotten stronger…for the long term.
I think the secret to the success of the program was the community, the structure, and the commitment of the leaders that you inspired and led by example. I doubt I would have stayed with the PRISE protocol had I not been participating under your guidance and leadership along with others, in a structured, scheduled program. I can’t imagine it working either, if you and your team hadn’t been so positive, optimistic, and encouraging. And the support, in terms of meal plans, fitness tips, meetings, follow-ups, food samples etc. was invaluable.
Strangely, what I think I’ll take away most from this program is a ‘take-comfort-in-your-own-skin’ outlook on life. While a fit-and-toned body is certainly the goal, the message I received from the PRISE protocol was to give yourself a little compassion. Yes, always try your best…but celebrate who you are…right now.
I will (hopefully!) continue the exercise/eating plan on my own, and would certainly participate in the protocol again – even on a part-time basis, like some of the previous participants.
Thank-you Dr. Paul,
As I think about what works in this PRISE program several aspects of the experience come to mind. The most obvious include the wise and sensible Protein Pacing nutritional advice, the challenging, diverse RISE exercise program, and the positive, supportive instruction.
The exercise program is intense. I cannot imagine working as hard at the training without the structure and demands of the PRISE protocol. The audacity of work expected raised my horizons immediately. Improvement was rapid and reinforcing. The workout mix—resistance, intervals, stretching/yoga, and endurance—is smart. The pace of the program is very engaging; you work every muscle group, recover fully, and experience your body and motion positively. I like every aspect of it, and my appreciation of the program grew as the program went along.
Dr. Paul is a gifted leader who models what he teaches. He challenges with support and reinforces effort. The Skidmore students are a pleasure to work with—smart, interested, interesting and caring. The group context is very important. I enjoyed socializing with the co-participants while we worked out and they were part of my consistent follow through with exercise and improved nutrition. For me, the sense of community was especially satisfying, an unexpected bonus.
The PRISE program does an excellent job of focusing participants on health more than weight loss. The latter is obviously important to all of us, but by the end of the program, I think we all saw improved health as our goal. As the program ends, I eat less fat and sugar and more vegetables without even thinking about it. I am less fatigued during the day and I sleep better. Every significant measure of health—cholesterol, body fat, etc. is improved and improving. I weigh less and I am more mobile. Sixteen weeks is a very short period of time to change habits and undermine mistaken beliefs about health. Nonetheless, this program succeeds.
I had not always been so cavalier about my health. As a young woman, I was athletic. I was a good swimmer. I participated in all kinds of intramural sports in high school. I was thin and self-confident, got good grades, and even had the honor of being voted prom queen. I put my academic dreams on hold and married the captain of the football team. I was very young, just 20, and the marriage was not a good one. As the marriage began to disintegrate, my weight escalated, very slowly at first. I was 120 lbs. A few years later, 140. As things got worse, my weight kept climbing to an unknown high – I stopped weighing myself. I tried to lose weight, but my efforts and temporary successes didn’t last. I never exercised. My ex-husband became a fitness fanatic then (in his second adolescence) and I resented gyms and people who frequented them. I felt very alone in my “cocoon” of fat.
Once I was divorced and working full-time at Skidmore, I began to care about my health and my appearance. I started taking classes and I started exercising. I’d either diet or exercise, it seemed, never together. Your first study, about seven or eight years ago, put me on the right track. I did very well. Subsequent studies helped as well, but when they were over, I slept late again and started eating things I’d “missed.” That’s not happening this time. This time, the PRISE Protocol and Protein Pacing have made it more interesting. You’ve told us “why,” not just “how.” You gave us varied exercise programs, web guidance, and the very best staff of student interns to keep us motivated. This time, you are watching us beyond the end of our formal experience. This time, I care about the food that I put in my mouth and the physiology of my body. This time, I am exercising for my life, not for results. You have started all of us on the life-long path to continue and improved healthy living, and I am very, very grateful. And I expect you will continue to see in us the truly successful repercussions of this study for a very long time.
Can’t thank you enough for the positive impact you’ve had on my life.
Before I joined your 16 week program I was headed down a path of unhealthy living and eating. What I was able to achieve during the 16 weeks was to regain some of my youth. I now run harder and longer, play softball and most fun of all I’m able to keep up with the young people on the dance floor on weekends as some of your student assistants can attest to.
The strength, endurance and energy that I now possess is beyond what I could ever imagined would have come from the program. At 59 years of age I can actually say I feel like I’m 30 both physically and mentally. My statistics showed I cut my risk of heart disease by fifty percent not to mention all the other unhealthy factors that were corrected.
The very first day of evaluation of my fitness test showed I could barley do one chin up. Now I can do two sets of 4. Bench press 100 lbs. now 145 lbs
I know I have inspired a lot of people to start on the road to a healthier life style just by them seeing what I have accomplished.
The Protein Pacing nutrition and RISE exercise regime you call PRISE that you have taught us will be part of my life style the rest of my life and for that I again thank you. Here’s to healthy living and being young forever.
I never really gave ‘protein’ an important part of my diet. Now, I think about including some sort of protein with all my meals/snacks – Go Protein Pacing! There is never any empty supply of yogurt or cottage cheese in my refrigerator, at home & work.
I started cooking lots of chicken breast on Monday nights for dinner, and using the left-over’s for lunches in salads, sandwiches or even cut-up into a healthy stir-fry for dinner another night.
At the first meeting where you invited potential participants to discuss your program, you said one of the exercise goals was for us to become ‘nimble’. And that is exactly how I feel today!! At a picnic last weekend I wanted to play volleyball….at the play-ground with my kids I climbed on the monkey-bars and hung up-side-down and did some sit-ups. I would not have done this 18 weeks ago!!! My core feels very solid, and it makes me feel strong and confident.
This PRISE program has made a vast improvement to my eating habits and exercise habits. I am very grateful to you and the students for all your hard work and encouragement throughout the program.
I am looking forward to Yoga and Functional on Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout the summer. Thank you again for helping me make these life changes!!
It was an easy to follow schedule of four days of exercise and Protein Pacing nutrition. Our health, energy and performance has improved significantly.
We are confident that we will continue to improve our health and performance for the rest of our lives. If we can be of help in any way please let us know.
I will begin at the beginning: I had never done Yoga before (but had always wanted to). I haven’t done an exercise session anything nearly as challenging as your Thursday morning workout (since I was in college and playing D-3 lacrosse). I’ve stayed active over the years but I’ve slowly allowed myself to become overweight. It didn’t take long to get used to the hard physical workouts in the PRISE program. It didn’t take long for it to start to feel really good. I’m now also sure that feeling good has a lot to do with a good and proper diet using Dr. Paul’s Protein Pacing. I have profound feelings of gratitude to you and your staff. While I could have done it on my own, I almost certainly wouldn’t have. I’ve undergone a transformation in ways that I’d hoped, and also in some surprising ways; it wouldn’t have taken place without the right catalyst. THANK YOU.
As I reflect upon the last 3 months I’m struck by how far I’ve come- on several levels . First, in terms of my energy level. I’ve grown more comfortable with waking up early and “hitting the ground running,” but I never would have expected to get so much satisfaction from this. What’s most surprising and gratifyinging is the way my energy lasts all day. I used to have to pace myself to a large degree; naps were sometimes part of the equation. At this point, I break through the barriers of fatigue that occur during the day (and there are a lot less of them). I must also say that being in good physical shape gives me the proof that I can break through life’s larger barriers as well. My whole mindset has changed in this regard. Getting healthy seemed a huge undertaking- and it’s been one of my main goals for a long time. Over the past 3 months we did it in small, manageable increments. What an excellent model Protein Pacing and PRISE is to project onto life’s biggest challenges. Yes, I tell my kids this is how things should be done. But somehow along the way I’ve failed to do it myself. This PRISE program has jump-started me in ways that go far beyond getting in shape. It also feels so good to be “walking the walk.” This has all had a profound effect on my general mood, my self-confidence and my overall mindset (small example: I bought clothing recently. For the first time in years my “size” selections were not based on the assumption that I’d continue to grow slowly larger).
I must also discuss the nutritional element of the Protein Pacing of the PRISE protocol. I have always eaten healthy foods. I really do enjoy the kinds of foods you’ve directed us to eat. I enjoy them so much that I’ve had trouble with portion control (prior to, and during the first stages of the protocol). I am living proof that one can slowly, over the years, gain weight while moderately exercising and eating healthy (but eating too much). During the early part of your program I had the most trouble with portion control. I didn’t lose as much weight as I’d hoped and I felt like I had let you down. The good news is that my eating habits have shifted considerably. I am much more sensitive and self-aware (in a very good way); I do not feel good when I eat too much. Lately I’ve gotten so used to feeling good that I’m loathe to do anything which might jeopardize this. My appetite has also diminished to more normal levels as I assume my metabolism has increased- and also because success breeds success. In the last half of the study I could feel my body transforming as I lost fat and added muscle; This has been extremely gratifying and I owe it to Protein Pacing. Again, my mindset, moods and frame of reference have changed: I am viewing and approaching life’s challenges differently, dropping some old crutches (like energy drinks and starchy, cheesy, giant midnight snacks) and craving more healthy things- I’m even craving exercise at times.
I must once again thank you for selecting me to participate in the PRISE protocol. It has given me the right forum to shift some very bad habits and transform myself physically and mentally. This process has been nothing short of a revelation (dictionary definition: “an act of revealing or communicating divine truth”). I do feel that these changes will be lasting: I’ve been meaning to fight this battle for a long time now, and it’s a lot easier to hold territory than it is to gain it. I’ve gained way more than I expected. I’m excited to continue working with you over the summer, and I thank you again.
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